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Spring is in full swing, with cherry blossoms and warmer temperatures around. If you drive your vehicle all around the year, you know everything about the twice a year tire swap that goes along with it. There are summer tires (or all-weather tires), fit for use for most of the year, and then there are winter tires, made with special rubber compound that help you get traction in the snowy, icy conditions of the harsh Canadian winters. Therefore, you need to store your other set of tires till the weather switches again, prompting you to do the same. So, if you are working with multiple sets of tires for your vehicle, you need to store them properly. This blog will outline the tips below for safe and efficient storage of your winter/summer tires.

Proper storage of your tire ensures the appearance and performance is maintained at peak level. Before you store your tires, inspect each tire for damage and uneven wear.

Tip: If you do notice some uneven wear, it might be a good idea to check your suspension components to make sure the tires don’t have any unnecessary camber and all parts are in good shape. It is also worthwhile to do an alignment once you mount your new tires, to make sure the new set wears evenly.

1) Store your tires indoors in a cool and clean space away from direct sunlight. Be sure to keep the tires away from sources of heat such as any hot pipes, baseboard heaters or electric generators.

2) Make sure the tires, and the surfaces you are storing the tires on, are clean and free of grease or other substances that may damage the rubber on your tire.

3) If you plan on storing your tires outdoors, make sure to cover them up with a waterproof layer and provide some breathing room to prevent moisture buildup inside.

4) If your tires are on the vehicle, make sure to store the vehicle on blocks, taking the load off the tires. Keeping the tires stationary and under a load can deteriorate the structure of your tire leading to egg shaped tires that create wheel-hop when riding on the road.

5) If the tires have whitewall or raised lettering, make sure the white lettering sides are facing each other while they are stored. The black rubber on your tire can stain the white lettering, diminishing some of the beauty of the whitewall or lettering.

Following the above tips will make sure your tires are stored away properly and ready to use for the next season. If you are looking to store your tires, your vehicle or any other belongings, we’d love to help and create some space in your life. Enquire today!

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