Business Logistics

Home Staging

Staging Your Home for Sale: Tips for a Successful Sale and How Renting a Storage Unit Can Help

When it comes to selling your home, staging plays a crucial role in attracting potential buyers and creating a favorable impression. Properly staging your home can make a significant difference in how quickly your home sells and the price it fetches. In this blog post, we will provide you with valuable tips on how to stage your home effectively for sale. Check out the tips!

Declutter and Depersonalize

One of the first and most important steps in staging your home is decluttering and depersonalizing your space. Clutter can make a home feel cramped and disorganized, which can turn off potential buyers. Therefore, it’s crucial to declutter and remove any unnecessary items from your home, such as excess furniture, personal belongings, and cluttered countertops.

Depersonalizing your home is equally important. Buyers should be able to envision themselves living in the space, and that can be challenging if the home is filled with personal photos, artwork, or other personal items. By creating a neutral and inviting environment, you allow potential buyers to imagine themselves in the home and make it easier for them to connect with the space.

Rent a storage unit

If you have additional items cluttering your home that you don’t want to display during an open house, consider renting a storage unit. When renting a storage unit, You can store items such as bicycles, clothes, or old CDs, valuable keepsakes, and extra furniture ideal to store out of the home to make your home cleaner and more spacious for potential homebuyers to view.

Clean and Repair

A clean and well-maintained home is a must when it comes to staging for sale. A dirty or unkempt home can leave a negative impression on potential buyers and deter them from considering your home seriously. Therefore, make sure to thoroughly clean your home from top to bottom, including all surfaces, floors, windows, and fixtures. Pay attention to details such as grout lines, baseboards, and light switches.

In addition to cleaning, it’s important to address any visible damages or wear and tear in your home. Repair leaky faucets, replace broken tiles, patch holes in walls, and ensure that all appliances are in proper working condition. Taking care of these small repairs can greatly impact how your home is perceived by potential buyers and increase its overall appeal.

Enhance Curb Appeal

The exterior of your home is the first thing potential buyers see, so it’s essential to enhance its curb appeal. A well-maintained and visually appealing exterior can create a positive impression and generate interest in your home. Start by making sure your front yard is well-groomed, including mowing the lawn, trimming hedges, and clearing away any debris.

Consider adding some potted plants or flowers to add a touch of color and make the front entrance more inviting. It’s also important to inspect the exterior of your home for any needed repairs, such as chipped paint, broken shutters, or damaged roof shingles. Taking care of these repairs can greatly improve the overall appearance of your home and create a positive first impression for potential buyers.

Stage Each Room

Properly staging each room in your home is essential in showcasing its best features and helping potential buyers envision themselves living there. Start by arranging furniture in a way that creates a natural flow and maximizes space. Use furniture to create functional and inviting conversation areas, and make sure each room has a clear purpose.

Consider using neutral colors for walls, bedding, and furniture to create a cohesive and timeless look. Neutral colors can also help potential buyers visualize their own furniture and belongings in the space. Additionally, adding tasteful decor items such as rugs, throw pillows, and artwork can enhance the visual appeal of each room and make the space feel more inviting.


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6 Essential Moving Supplies to Conquer Your Next Moving Day



Moving boxes, ready for moving day, Moving supplies



Moving can be stressful. Just the thought of it makes everybody let out a collective groan full of frustration and exhaustion. There a lot of moving parts (pun intended), things to pack and a lot of things that can go wrong. On the other hand, moving often means the beginning of a new chapter. It means leaving the past behind and anticipating new adventures. When done right, moving can also be stress free and even joyous. The first and foremost thing to cover when you plan your move is to buy all the proper moving supplies needed. When all your goods are packed in neatly labelled boxes, and your fragile belongings are safe from breaking in transit, your stress levels will be much lower; leaving you free to be excited about the future. This article will help you figure out the essential moving supplies you need to make your next move as easy as it gets. It’s worth mentioning that you can find all these supplies at our own One Stop Supply Shop! So here they are,



The quintessential element of any big or small move is a box. Boxes to pack your clothes, crockery, fine china, dog toys etc. Naturally, you need various sizes of boxes to match your needs. Downtown U-Lok offers many different sizes of boxes for precisely that reason.

  1. 2 Cube Box – The small 2 cube box measures at 18” x 15” x 12” and is perfect for smaller items such as your books, kids’ toys etc.
  2. 4 Cube Box – the medium 4 cube box is measured at 18” x 18” x 20” and can accommodate things such as small electronics, kitchen supplies and utensils etc.
  3. 6 Cube Box – The large 6 cube box is measured at 22” x 22” x 22” and is a good fit for your extra bedding, pillows, larger items etc.
  4. Wardrobe Box – For all your clothes, we have the wardrobe box that can hold up to 30 clothes on a hanger, nicely covered and ready to move. This box takes away the need to fold your clothes and put it into a box individually, just take it off your closet bar and hang it up the wardrobe box!
  5. File Box – As the name implies, our smallest box size is perfect for all your files, whether it be for storage or your office move.

Pro Tip: Did you know that most places that sell moving boxes sell regular packing boxes that are flimsy and low grade? Our moving boxes are moving grade, meaning extra thickness in the material and sturdier construction. What’s better is that the prices are comparable!


Moving Blankets .

The floor of your rented moving truck is dirty and abrasive; making it the easy place to scratch your precious furniture. Moving blankets provide the necessary protection from unnecessary scratches and makes it easier to move furniture in and out of the truck! You can even use your extra moving blankets to bundle up your TV, picture frames/art work and mirrors, protecting it from any accidental damage during transit.



Wrapping Paper and Bubble Wrap.

One of the main things often overlooked during moving is the protection of fragile items such as glass vases, fine china and other showpiece items. It is heartbreaking to find these items broken when you finally unpack the boxes after the move. We recommend using wrapping paper for your glasses and fine china to protect it in transit, while bubble wrap is a must for larger items.


Mattress, Sofa and Chair Covers.

Mattresses, sofas and chairs can get damaged, scuffed or get stains on them due to accidental spills. Putting a cover on them provides protection from these unwanted outcomes and keeps your furniture undamaged. These covers are also good to have if you are putting any of these things in storage, the covers keep the dust off the furniture.

Downtown U-Lok offers mattress covers for all mattress sizes and sofas.


Packing Tape.

Perhaps the only thing as important as your boxes? The packing tapes! You will need this to pull off the big move and you will need a lot of it. The high adhesive packing tape can be purchased in single quantities or you can buy a pack of 3, which comes with a free dispenser.


Miscellaneous (but important) items.

Hand gloves with grippy rubber on the palms to ensure you hold on to the slick boxes and avoid injury. Bungy Rope with hooks on each end to hold down certain items in transit and Sharpie pens to properly label all your boxes; making it easy to place them in the right place at the destination.


As you can see, Downtown U-Lok Storage has it covered when it comes to providing you with the supplies needed to ensure a stress-free move. If you need any of the things mentioned above for you next move, Give us a call!

Tire Storage Tips





Spring is in full swing, with cherry blossoms and warmer temperatures around. If you drive your vehicle all around the year, you know everything about the twice a year tire swap that goes along with it. There are summer tires (or all-weather tires), fit for use for most of the year, and then there are winter tires, made with special rubber compound that help you get traction in the snowy, icy conditions of the harsh Canadian winters. Therefore, you need to store your other set of tires till the weather switches again, prompting you to do the same. So, if you are working with multiple sets of tires for your vehicle, you need to store them properly. This blog will outline the tips below for safe and efficient storage of your winter/summer tires.

Proper storage of your tire ensures the appearance and performance is maintained at peak level. Before you store your tires, inspect each tire for damage and uneven wear.

Tip: If you do notice some uneven wear, it might be a good idea to check your suspension components to make sure the tires don’t have any unnecessary camber and all parts are in good shape. It is also worthwhile to do an alignment once you mount your new tires, to make sure the new set wears evenly.


1) Store your tires indoors in a cool and clean space away from direct sunlight. Be sure to keep the tires away from sources of heat such as any hot pipes, baseboard heaters or electric generators.

2) Make sure the tires, and the surfaces you are storing the tires on, are clean and free of grease or other substances that may damage the rubber on your tire.

3) If you plan on storing your tires outdoors, make sure to cover them up with a waterproof layer and provide some breathing room to prevent moisture buildup inside.

4) If your tires are on the vehicle, make sure to store the vehicle on blocks, taking the load off the tires. Keeping the tires stationary and under a load can deteriorate the structure of your tire leading to egg shaped tires that create wheel-hop when riding on the road.

5) If the tires have whitewall or raised lettering, make sure the white lettering sides are facing each other while they are stored. The black rubber on your tire can stain the white lettering, diminishing some of the beauty of the whitewall or lettering.


Following the above tips will make sure your tires are stored away properly and ready to use for the next season. If you are looking to store your tires, your vehicle or any other belongings, we’d love to help and create some space in your life. Enquire today!

Ideal Storage Facility mini storage, public storage and Self storage vancouver

What to Look for in Your Ideal Storage Facility

So, you’ve decided to take charge, clear out some space in your home and put the extra belongings in an off-site storage locker? Smart choice! Next, figure out your Ideal Storage Facility which you can trust with your belongings.

Vancouver is growing at breakneck speed, and people’s need for storage is increasing with it. While numerous businesses offer storage services, some of them provide more bang for your buck, better service and security. In this article, we will outline the main things to check for when considering a storage facility:


Just the right size for you?

Storage needs vary from person to person, so does the size of storage space they need. Does the facility have different sizes to accommodate your unique needs? At U-Lok, we have 50+ different sizes of units that we can recommend based on your needs, this ensures that you are paying for the space you need. Just contact us, give a brief description of your goods to be stored, and we will get you the right size!


Does the height matter?

We usually think of lockers in terms of square foot area. However, having a high ceiling in your storage locker can be a big benefit. Cramped for space in your 5’ x 5’ locker? Stack up your boxes up to the top in our 10’ high lockers at U-Lok. Most facilities have 7’ – 8’ high ceilings and comparable rates to places that offer higher ceilings. Don’t we all want a little bit extra for the same amount of money? 😉

P.S – According to fire laws, if your units have sprinklers inside, you are not allowed to store anything within 18 inches below the sprinkler. Something to consider when you are shopping around.


Is it secure?

Here at U-Lok, we believe that security, where you are storing, is a top priority.  All lockers in our facility at individually alarmed, a feature that some other facilities lack. Your personalized access code disables the unit alarm, and also allows elevators to take you to your floor, ensuring only U-Lok customers have access to the floors.

Check out the walls and ceilings.  Our lockers have either concrete or metal ceilings, plus all metal walls and roll-up doors.  For added security, our walls go all the way up to the ceiling, with no space at the top. Some facilities have large spaces between the wall and ceiling, with chicken wire across the top, leaving your belongings visible to your neighbours.


Is access easy?

Does the facility have a private parking lot? Does it have carts for you to use when you are taking things to and from the locker?  How about a loading dock for your big moving truck? Downtown U-Lok checks all these boxes! We take pride in making your experience at our facility as easy and hassle-free as possible.

Some facilities require you to use a carry your goods up to a moving ladder with a platform to access your ‘sky’ or top tier unit?   At U-Lok, all our lockers are ground floor accessible, no stairs or ladders required.


An ideal storage facility will have a multitude of solutions that will fit your needs, secure lockers and easy access. We hope this article has helped you realize the importance of a suitable storage facility. If you are ready to put your extra household items, seasonal things or your small business inventory into storage, we’d love to talk!

modern storage facility mini storage, public storage and Self storage vancouver

The Reality of a Modern Storage Facility

Reality TV shows such as ‘Storage Wars’ and ‘Storage Hunters’, have dramatized and delighted viewers internationally.  The shows are based on the concept that when rent is not paid, the contents go on the auction block, with bidders hoping to strike ‘gold’ that they can resell for a profit.  Movies such as ‘The Hoarder’ and ‘The Silence of the Lamb’ portrayed dark, dusty old storage sheds as places of horror.   It is true that non-payment of rent due can eventually result in the contents going to the highest bidder, but only after a clear legal process is followed.  So how accurate are these portrayals today?  This article will look at some of the myths and truths about the storage industry and provide a glimpse into Downtown U-Lok Storage as a modern storage facility.

Myth – Storage lockers are full of mostly worthless ‘junk’.

Fact – There is a saying that ‘One man’s trash is another man’s treasure’.   Most people store items that have sentimental value, memorabilia, important documents, extra furniture, and clothing they want to keep, in order to free up much needed space in their homes.    Storage facilities have policies in place to prevent people from storing actual trash in a locker; it’s also a waste of money to store actual ‘junk’.  In a challenging economy of rising divorce rates, costs of affordable housing and commercial space, and general cost of living, storage lockers are quickly becoming the solution of choice for today’s leaner start-up entrepreneurs, homeowners and renters living in smaller or shared spaces and business looking for more cost-effective use of space.   This is because storage lockers provide more flexibility with month to month contracts, cheaper rents, and the customer’s ability to upsize or downsize as needed.

Myth – Storage facilities are dirty, dark, sketchy garage-type places home to rats and bugs.

Fact – Today’s modern storage facilities are attractive, well-maintained, security conscious properties.  In a competitive environment, a metal and concrete facility built to earthquake standards, with fire sprinklers, clean lockers, brightly lit hallways with lighting on the entire floor (not motion detection lights), a security control system and staff always available to serve customers during ALL open hours, are key to winning and keeping happy customers.  Regular pest control maintenance program records should be readily available when requested.

Myth – Storage facilities are useful ONLY when you have too much ‘stuff’.

Fact – It’s true that some people use a storage locker as temporary ‘holding places’ while their lives are in transition (for example divorce, retirement, renos, travel, downsizing, moving), however, most people use a storage locker for longer term reasons that make their lives more manageable.  The advantages of off-site seasonal storage for clothing, sports equipment, patio furniture and summer/winter tires, are significant because it creates more space in your life and gives you peace of mind that your items are in a safe place .  In the case of businesses, storing seasonal equipment, furniture and inventory is more cost effective than leasing more commercial space and creates a more comfortable environment for patrons and staff.

Myth – A storage locker must be in a climate-controlled facility.

Fact – There is a difference between the terms: Climate Control and Temperature Control.

In our mild West Coast climate, Temperature Control is better if your storage locker is completely inside the building because the temperature and humidity in the building are already controlled plus there is no extra cost.   However, Climate Control and its additional cost is advised if your storage locker is located so that it has direct, drive-up outside access, or is an outside storage unit, it is important to remember that your contents are at greater risk of damage (mould/mildew, condensation), because the exterior storage locker is in direct contact with the outdoor conditions.  If smaller items, valuables and temperature susceptible items are being stored, inside storage is always better.  It’s best to ask yourself, do you really need climate control and the extra cost, how much protection do you need for your items to be stored?


Hopefully, this article helps you look at storage facilities in a slightly different light. If you have any questions about storage facilities or would like to rent a locker, give us a call!

Christmas with Your Storage Facility




Christmas and a storage locker, you say? There may not be an obvious connection between the two, but Christmas is a time of hustle and bustle at U-Lok. We stay open throughout the holidays to accommodate any last-minute needs of our customers. Here’s how your off-site storage locker can make Christmas easier, and stress free:


  • Santa’s helper

    : As you prepare for Christmas and cross off items on your family and favorite’s wish list, where do you store all the gifts away from prying eyes?  Your off-site storage locker!   Reduce the Christmas stress and clutter around you so you can more fully nurture family traditions and enjoy a more relaxing holiday season.

Tip!  Keep a copy of your Christmas list in your locker along with wrapping paper, tags, ribbon and bows, scissors and scotch tape.


  • Save money on Christmas gifts

    : Keeping watch for deals and shopping year round will save you money, time and stress!  Once you determine your Christmas budget and make a list of gift ideas, you can find some great bargains, not only at after holidays sales, but by watching for deals throughout the year, even in July.

Tip!  To be most efficient, wrap and tag each gift as you purchase it and update your list.  For maximum secrecy, we suggest you wrap while visiting your locker.


  • Christmas decorations

    : A sure sign that Christmas is around the corner, is the sight of our clients taking their Christmas trees and ornaments out of the storage units. We have found that our client’s zest for Christmas is directly proportional to the size of their Christmas tree! And boy have we seen some big trees (artificial), due to our 10’ high ceilings. It’s surprising how much room properly organized and protected Christmas decorations take up, so keeping them in a storage locker will protect against moisture and mildew in the garage or shed, while freeing up space that can be more effectively used.

Tip!  Use egg cartons to store you fragile baubles; wrap your lights around a piece of cardboard to prevent tangling.


  • Seasonal items, clothing and gear

    : Christmas time means skiing, snowboarding, snowshoeing and skating season. It also means warm, woolly blanket season. Our clients use their storage lockers to swap out their bulky winter items and winter sports gear with their summer items such as patio furniture, clothing and sports gear.

Tip! Stand up long items such as skis, poles, rakes, shovels in tall garbage containers.


We hope this article highlights the benefits of your storage locker during the winter and holiday season. Downtown U-Lok will be open regular hours during the holidays except for Christmas Eve (Close at 2pm) and New Years Eve (close at 2pm) and closed all day on Christmas Day, Boxing Day and New Year’s Day.  We’d love to help make your holiday season as stress and clutter free as possible; get in touch with us and inquire about locker sizes perfect for your needs.

What is the right locker size for you? We’ll help you figure it out.


How much extra space do you really need? This question can almost be deemed rhetorical. We always want more things, and as a result, need more space to organize it. To that point, when you make the decision to declutter and rent an off-site storage locker, you need to figure out which size is ideal for your needs. A larger than needed locker is a waste of space and money, while a smaller than required locker will be a nightmare to organize and fit all your belongings. This article will help you figure out the right size for you and the most popular sizes that may fit your general needs.

Talk to your storage facility experts.

At U-Lok, we have over 40 different sizes and I can bet that there is a locker perfectly suited for your needs. The easiest and most convenient way to determine your ideal locker size is to talk to the sales representatives and let them know what your core needs are for the locker. They might ask you to outline the largest items you intend to store, this will help them recommend the best size for your needs. It’s good to know that if you plan to add or reduce your stored items in the future, it’s easy to upsize or downsize your locker size.  Make a list of items going to storage.

Do it yourself.

Maybe you are adventurous and wish to find your dream locker size for yourself. Very well, here’s how we recommend doing it.

  • Make a list of all the items/goods you wish to put in the storage locker.
  • Divide the items into small, medium and large categories based on their size.
  • Take inventory again and figure out if there are some things you would like to exclude at this point.
  • Make a rough estimate of the cubic space required for the largest items.
  • Based on the dimensions and cubic volume of large items, you should be able to estimate the locker size you will need.

We recommend over estimating a little bit in case you add more things in the future and leaving yourself enough space to maneuver in the locker, for ease of accessing your belongings.   Remember to put items that you need to access more often towards the front of your locker.

Speaking from experience, there are certain sizes that appeal to the majority of our customers. These are the most popular sizes in our facility and they might be just right for you as well:


  • 5’ x 5’ x 10’ unit.

This unit size is best classified as a “small closet” size. It is perfect to store your seasonal clothing, boxes, skiing gear, bicycles and even small dressers and mattresses. These units are deceptively roomy, and you can take advantage of the 10’ high ceilings to really pack it up. You can get creative with the organizing and easily turn this into “’’your extra closet’.


  • 5’ x 10’ x 10’ unit.

This unit is a great compromise between storing extra items that you don’t need in your living space and storing items of an entire small 1-bedroom apartment.  If your toys are a little bigger than others or if you just have a lot more extra stuff than the little 5x5x10 can handle, go for this unit. It will take your king size mattress, dresser, bed frame (best dismantled), sofa and a whole load of boxes, and still leave you space for more. Use the 10” high ceilings to your advantage.


  • 10’ x 10’ x 10’ unit.

Have a big move coming up? This unit can handle the contents of your 2-bedroom house/apartment with ease. Or, are you looking to store inventory for your business? This unit can house 4 standard pallets with ease, and that’s without using the 10’ high ceilings!


P.S.  If you need more space in your life, at Downtown U-Lok Storage, we are always happy to give you a tour of our lockers.  This is an excellent time to visualize your belongings in the locker, look at other sizes to consider, and see all the security features of the facility, first hand!   Contact us to schedule your complimentary tour at any time during our long, staffed hours.

Useful tip – If your storage needs change, it’s easy to downsize or up-size your locker size.

5 Things You Can’t Put in Your Self-Storage Locker


Spring is here; we anticipate that your spring cleaning is in full swing.  You’ll soon be enjoying the many benefits that spring cleaning brings to your health and wellbeing.  Studies show that it increases productivity, reduces dust and allergens, clears your mind and increases focus, and reduces stress.     An off-site storage locker, will make your big cleanup go smoother, and keep your life more organized. Seasonal items such as warm clothing, Christmas decorations, ski/snowboard gear and winter tires etc. can be stored in the locker while patio furniture and bicycles can come out of hibernation.  You’ll free up space in your everyday life!  Thank goodness for offsite storage, eh?  Thus, spring is a time of hustle and bustle at U-Lok as we see our clients come and go. While taking advantage of your off-site storage locker is a plus, you have to be cautious of what you can and cannot store in your locker.

Most facilities have certain regulations on what you are allowed to store; here at U-Lok we have some rules too. Let’s take a look at the 5 things you can NOT store in your storage locker:

Plants/Perishable items.

At U-Lok, we have a strict no plants and perishable items policy. The soil in potted plants, perishable items and the plant itself attracts vermin and pests which can be very expensive to eradicate and you, as a client, may be held liable for the expenses.

Hazardous/Flammable materials.

Propane tanks, gasoline, kerosene, paint and cleaners, oil acid, corrosives, fertilizers, and biological waste are considered as inherently dangerous products.


The Police are always on the lookout for any suspicious activity being undertaken at a facility, and so are we. Companies that value their reputation will never allow illegal activities.

Explosives/ Weapons.

Storage facilities are strict in their enforcement, and don’t allow any explosives or firearms to be stored. That being said, we value your memories so when your youngest is too old to play with it, you can safely store the Nerf gun for keepsake. J

Stolen goods.

Storage companies are strongly against stolen property being stored in the lockers. At U-Lok, our contract specifically requires the goods in the locker to belong solely to the signatory on the rental contract. We require the vehicle registration papers and proof of insurance when you are storing your vehicle with us, for the same reason.

We hope this article highlights the things that you should not store in your offsite storage locker. If you are looking for storage solutions in Vancouver, let’s talk!

How to get your car ready for winter storage mini storage, public storage and Self storage vancouver

How to Get Your Car Ready For Winter Storage – Infographic !

Whether you are planning to store your car for winter or for a few months, it’s important to prepare it for storage. Here are 8 steps to consider to Get Your Car Ready For Winter Storage:

Get Your Car Ready For Winter Storage:

How to get your car ready for winter storage

Step 1- Choose a storage location:

Where you store your vehicle is very important – choose a secure, dry, indoor storage facility with a concrete floor.   Ensure you can access electricity in case you need it. Downtown U-Lok Storage meets all these requirements.

Step 2: Top up vital fluids, use fuel stabilizer

Check the oil and filter. If it is really dirty and you’ve reached the mileage limit, change it before storing your vehicle, otherwise, you can start with new oil in the spring. Check all other fluids, especially anti-freeze.   Add fuel stabilizer and let the car run for a short time to let it flow through the fuel system.

Step 3: Wash, clean and wax

Before storing your car for the winter, wash and wax it to ensure there are no harmful corrosive contaminants left on the surfaces of your car. Wipe and vacuum the interior.

Step 4: Go for one last spin, fill gas tank

After washing and cleaning the car, go for one last spin to fill up your gas tank (prevents moisture buildup and keeps seals from drying out), and allow the fuel stabilizer to flow through the system. Also, stop by your insurance office to ensure your vehicle is covered by insurance while it is in storage.

Step 5: Check tires

Check to ensure your tires are inflated to the maximum PSI rating (indicated on the sidewall) to prevent the tires from developing flat spots during the storage period. It is not advised to put a car up on blocks and let the suspension hang for an extended period of time. For extended storage, do not use the parking brake; it’s better to use a wheel chock.

Step 6: Battery

Newer cars may require the battery to always stay connected to preserve the computer’s memory. In this case, connect to a battery tender with the hood ajar for the cables. For older cars, options are to disconnect the negative battery side, or remove the battery and maintain it at home.

Step 7: Cover

Cover your clean car with a high quality tight fitting cloth cover that will allow the car to breathe. For longer-term storage, you can place a humidifier inside your car, and steel wool in your exhaust and air intake. Your car is now ready for its winter nap!

Step 8: Storage insurance for your car

Remember to purchase Vehicle Storage Insurance and leave a copy at the storage facility. (This is mandatory.)    

Just Follow these 8 steps to get your car ready for winter storage. If you would like to learn more about car storage solutions, contact us at Downtown U-Lok.